Re: Bridal Expo-any ideas?
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Posted by Dilly on October 07, 1999 at 23:09:38:
In Reply to: Re: Bridal Expo-any ideas? posted by Kenzi on October 06, 1999 at 22:56:44:
I think you need to ask yourself why they are going to give you a $200.00 discount. They are trying to fill space. I did a bridal show for Molly Morel (sp) a few years back. It cost me $550.00. And I got absoulty nothing out of that show. It was my experience, when they go to those shows, there still in the planning stages and not ready to spend or commit to anything. I gave out so much literature, and cards and samples. Every one was so excited, and loved the idea, I thought for sure it was only a matter of time before my phone started ringing off the hook. Wrong!! It's been three years and still not one call from that show.(they also get so much literature from so many, your could get lost) After doing that show, I deceided to go the cheap route. I put an introductory package together and went through the bridal directory (the one they gave me from the show) and hooked up with bridal coordinators. They are the ones you want to be with. They'll do all the selling for you. They already have the client. It worked out great for me. Of course she gets a small cut. But that's just my experience. Sometimes in business you just have to take the chance. It may be a great show for you. Whatever you decide, I wish you the best.