Re: A business rant?
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Posted by misty on October 08, 1999 at 16:58:42:
In Reply to: A business rant? posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on October 07, 1999 at 22:26:17:
that would be great, i have been hoping someone would provide some information like that! =o) : I've had emails from several people lately asking questions about : starting their own businesses....hoping to chuck their 40 hour a week : exercises in fulility out the window....
: If there are enough people in hennaland who haven't run their own : businesses before, and want a rant....let me know, and I will put one : together. It's my guess that many people here had good experiences : hennaeing for $ last summer at festivals, and are playing with the : notion of going for the max.... I ran my own business as an artist : craftsman for 30 years, and many years the art was the sole support : of the family .... most all other years it was at least 50% of the : income. If you let me know what you need to know, I will write up a : rant, and email it to anyone who needs it. : The Reverand Stang (who kindly elevated me to august position as the : Reverand Bunny) (Church of the Subgenius) defines a rant as when you : not only feel you have something to say and start to say it, but you : carry on with such overbearing loquacity and eloquence that no one : else can get in a f@#$king word edgewise, and they either stand back : in awe at your brilliance, or wish to G@#$%^d you'd shut up. (Even : the Reverand Shanon has told me to shut up....and she is presently in : prolonged and deep research into the Shanon position (broke her : leg...send her kisses!))