Re: cold-weather henna?
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Posted by Natasha Papousek on October 08, 1999 at 21:44:21:
In Reply to: cold-weather henna? posted by Rosie on October 07, 1999 at 16:48:02:
OK. So it never really gets cold by Northern Midwest standards down here in Texas. But when I want to do a difficult bit in the "cold" weather I prewarm the area. Hot showers or baths are best, but heating pads or those wonderful microwaved flaxseed beanbags over the area for about 10 minutes help open up the pores and get the circulation going. Then henna and seal and WRAP. Even in winter here, it's too warm to use plastic wrap. I use tp and paper tape, then cover the limb with an ace bandage or wool sock. A nice hot toddy and then a good night's sleep under lots of warm blankets and cats. The stains are as nice as in the summertime and last just as long.