Re: holiday patterns
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Posted by Anon on October 09, 1999 at 01:26:08:
In Reply to: holiday patterns posted by Anne on October 08, 1999 at 17:58:21:
Holly's pretty easy - 6 curves outward (as if drawing "waves" but around an oval shape) make a leaf, two leaves and three dots (berries - consider scraping the henna off early so they're a paler color) make a nice accent. Spiral stripes around a finger - candy cane. Outline of a bow and ribbon, as an armband. Or draped segments (a garland) of greenery/poinsettia/stars/whatever, again in a band. Snowflakes (look at mandala designs for inspiration). I'd say buy a holiday issue home/craft magazine - they're likely to have patterns you can adapt. Then think about using some standard henna techniques (outlining, filling in with fancy linework for different shadings, repeating the motif to make a pattern, etc.) for those who want the henna look first and holiday look second.