the anti-evil blue Iguana from Seattle
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on October 09, 1999 at 05:12:28:
In Reply to: Re: Hennaeing Wool posted by Kenzi on October 09, 1999 at 02:18:45:
Shanon gave me a wonderful stuffed toy blue Iguana when she visited, and it sits on my monitor protecting the computer from evil spirits...(Djinn, sidhe, and lazer vipers) I also wave a dead chicken over it from time to time to cleanse it of the dreaded wooboos. I'm not terribly worried. The worst thing that's happened is that I got so much knitting and sewing fuzz in my mouse that I asked Roy if the felt rollers inside it could be replaced...not realizing that there are NO felt rollers in a mouse...that I just had so much crud in the mouse that it had compacted with use to neatly packed felt. Other than that, Roy is a tekkie, and has very superior dead chickens that he waves over computers to make them all better.