Re: "Its" a shame? How can It be a shame?
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Posted by Anne on October 09, 1999 at 15:29:30:
In Reply to: Do not dare posted by ....Its a Shame on October 08, 1999 at 23:58:04:
Now, now. Can we really take seriously a troll with such bad grammer? If s/he doesn't understand the use of apostrophes and question marks . . . BTW, I have a beautiful flower on my hand which I will be colouring red with body paint this Halloween - I'm going as a Runner from Logan's Run (the book, not the movie or the tv series). Thanks to everyone who responded to my holiday - we in CT shall be festive over the holidays. (Speaking of which, it's only another four months or so until the Lunar New Year - Catherine, do you have any patterns for that?) Best, Anne, who has her BA in journalism, worked for three years on various university newspapers and has a lot of fun playing copyeditor with trolls. : If you even knew what henna was you would not dare use it for : Christmas of all things. What next, Halloween. Shame.