Mystery Grrrl
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on October 09, 1999 at 18:45:27:
In Reply to: The episodes of Laila's legacy posted by The episodes of Laila's Legacy on October 08, 1999 at 23:42:52:
OK...I think I know who you are.... and I honestly have no problem with you at all. Somewhere, there is a lady on this forum who has an adolescent daughter, (YOU, pusycat) who is getting extremely jealous of her mother's infatuation with henna. Your mom is talking about me at home which is why you are not absolutely sure who I am (the confusion about my name would come from conversations rather than reading posts) , and you are just deeply peeved that she is not giving her exclusive attention to you. She has mentioned recognize his name and mine, but you don't actually know the inside joke about smouldering budgies. (Thank goodness for that!) log onto the forum, to see if you can stir the pot a bit and maybe take a poke at the people who you feel are drawing your Mom's attention away from you. I really don't have a problem with you, but if you are mopy because your Mom isn't paying enough attention to you, you really need to talk to her about it, not mess about on the forum. That annoys other people, and if you get persistant about it, Jeremy will check the access logs and figure out pretty quickly who you are...and there will be a very unpleasant scene when your Mom feels she needs to apologise for your behaviour to people she considers her friends. I don't feel you need to feel bad for what you've done, and you Mom certainly doesn't need to feel bad either...I've raised kids and this is just no big deal. However, you do need to be up front with your Mom if you need more attention! Don't even bother mentioning that you are the mystery grrl...just be straight with your mom that you still need her, maybe more than she thinks you do now that you're growing up. caught the drift of that one, right? I don't need any apologies. No one's done any harm. Whether or not you think this daughter might be yours (don't even bother to ask if she's been messing about here, it doesn't matter) .....grab your daughter and go have a good time with her and see what's up. Something's on her mind.