Re: catherine shall perish...GO AWAY!!!
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Posted by Lauri on October 10, 1999 at 02:19:04:
In Reply to: catherine shall perish posted by Sadaam's Daughter on October 08, 1999 at 23:30:39:
Okay, there is a part of me that is saying I shouldn't respond to this one...I'm not listening. Excuse me, whomever you are, what is your damage? The people that "converse" on this web page are all such wonderful, sweet, kind individuals, WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE coming here with your shitty, rude, disrespectful crap??? Do you frequently read the information that is shared on this discussion board? Do you have any idea how long and hard people like Catherine(and others) have worked to educate people on the uses and the history of Henna??? Then, they are gracious enough to take the time to post helpful info on this page, and to disspell any myths about the uses of henna. Go away!!! If you have legitimate questions or positive feedback to share, then feel free to do so. Otherwise, feel free to take your comments elsewhere. Nobody on this discussion board ought to have to waste their time muddling through this kind of %$##&*%#! Have a nice day.