Re: Bottle filling - a trick for MUD users
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Posted by Jeremy Rowntree on October 10, 1999 at 12:41:47:
In Reply to: Jacquard bottles posted by Anon on October 06, 1999 at 17:44:10:
: 2. How do you folks fill the blessed things? Well, I made a useful discovery last week. The little metal tipped bottle that Kristen ( sells - currently my favourite applicator - happens to have an external diameter exactly the same as the internal diameter of the bottle Michael sells his MUD in (, but which I find too hard to squeeze for long periods. So, I just squeezed the MUD bottle till the henna was at the top, squeezed the other bottle as much as possible, fitted the two together and let the pressure equalise. Tap down and repeat until small bottle full. If I get enough little bottles I should be able to transfer one large one into several small ones and freeze them all ready for use. P.S. I haven't got a Jacquard bottle, so I can't be sure whether the above trick will work with them.