side-by-side mistake
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Posted by Anon on October 11, 1999 at 03:31:45:
I used to think I was literate... The peel-masque I bought turned out to be alpha hydroxy. (The word "exfoliating" should have given it away.) Kinda anti-henna. But why waste a good mistake? I tried the masque on half my crusty foot as a pre-treatment, to reduce the opaque upper layer. The henna seems to have taken just a bit better than on the non-treated side. The skin looks better, anyway - though I had to use a fairly thick application (the rough skin makes it harder to peel). Another note: this stuff seems to dissove Nu-Skin. At least, when I tried to use it as a top coat over the NS, it got through to the henna beneath (and messed it up).