Re: NO to black henna
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Posted by Kristen on February 19, 1998 at 16:54:11:
In Reply to: NO to black henna posted by Lori on February 17, 1998 at 22:06:55:
: Established Mehndi artists out there know the story....If you try to make your mehndi paste black, then you have to use various "TOXIC" chemicals and then put it on your skin, ouch : To anyone that still pursues black, even if you do make a paste with so called black henna, the best your going to get is a greyish stain that looks bad and lasts only a couple of days at the most. : Besides, with the ton of pics you see on various websites of mehndi designs, do you see any black ones? (once the paste is off that is) , I dont I agree, We get asked all the time for 'black' mehndi. I tell them that black henna is used for hair only and will not work for mehndi and that natural henna is the best for mehndi. I think people get confused when they see the photos of peoples mehndi tattoos and it is black, but they don't realize it is with the paste still on. According to our suppliers they are working on incorpoarting natural powder dyes, like indigo (blue) and others, but in my mind, if this was a feasible process or procedure why haven't they done it Centuries ago. Time will tell. Until then, keep it natural and non-toxic....It is getting a little annoying at some of the claims people are making regarding the colored henna, but the experienced will know right from wrong.