Dark!!!....cloves the culprit?
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Posted by Kenzi on October 12, 1999 at 00:01:00:
Got a really dark stain from the henna I did last night. I only left it on for 2 hours...it started to smear so I decided to save the design and redo it for a darker design, if necessary. It was not necessary. So dark! The difference from other times? Cloves. I heated up my lemon juice as usual, threw in a few teaspoons of whole cloves, strained it, mixed my henna paste using this lemon clove liquid and got to work. I also used the lemon-clove mix for my lemon-sugar (which is how it is done in Morocco). I usually get a nice stain but that's after leaving it on all night. My hands look like the Burnt Sienna crayon in the 54-color Crayola pack. Wow.