"Heaven Scent" henna perfumed oil...
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Posted by Pearla on October 12, 1999 at 02:59:32:
hey guys! okay, well, i ordered the 8oz bottle of henna perfumed oil from "Heaven Scent Fragrances" & i have to say that i am very very pleased! not only does it smell wonderful, but i got a fabulous deal (8oz for $25 + s&h, & you get a free sample of another fragrance-- i got "china rain" which is FABOO!) plus i stopped at the mall this weekend & found a booth that sold some beautiful perfume bottles (@ $6 a piece), so i bought a few & all i have to do is fill 'em up w/some henna perfumed oil & that takes care of a few Christmas gifts :o) so, i'm very happy. just thought i'd let y'all know in case anyone was considering buying some henna perfume or perfumed oil... just go to their web site & email 'em-- they'll hook you up. well, take care!