Re: The ammonia rant...thanks
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Posted by Catherien Cartwright Jones on October 12, 1999 at 15:47:26:
In Reply to: Re: The ammonia rant...thanks posted by Kenzi on October 12, 1999 at 03:16:48:
Actually, the whole rant in four part harmony is much longer, and I'd email it rather than posting it. The darkest stains I've ever seen needed only very good henna an overnight wrap and plenty of heat. There's considerable variation with skin type...some people will only get so dark... but... I've gotten chocolate stains on arms, thighs and innerbits of people many times. All that's required is an abundance of hennotannins and plenty of warmth and perspiration overnight. The last time I did henna with my knitting class at KSU, two of the girls got espresso coffee-dark stains up their arms (they are both athletes with high metabolisms and porous skin!) with nothing more exotic than the most recent powder from Castle Art and lemon juice, NS and a wrap. Got plenty hennotannins? Got plenty heat? What else do you need?