Re: lasting time...henna in the workplace
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Posted by Kenzi on October 18, 1999 at 03:54:43:
In Reply to: lasting time posted by a little concerned on October 16, 1999 at 17:46:46:
: how long does henna typically last? i am a little concerned about it because i don't know if it is appropriate for my workplace. I would be curious to hear other people's experiences of henna in the workplace. Has anyone been forbidden to have it? Has anyone been warned? What is your company's policy on other body decoration, piercing and tattoos? I work for one of the most conservative law firms in the US (in NYC) and I almost always have henna designs showing. I work in desktop publishing so I don't have contact with clients so it's not such a problem. But I do have contact with attorneys and their reaction is mixed; some ignore it, one guy was speechless, one guy hinted at his secret other life where henna is used, my boss brought me henna from Tunisia, my coworkers want to be my clients. We shall see if this accepting attitude lasts. There are people at the firm with visible tatoos (although nothing really huge) and others with various piercings, but pretty mild stuff. There is nothing in our dress code about tattoos or any kind of body adornment, so I would assume if I was forbidden to use henna I co