Re: Transferring designs
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Posted by Diane Thompson on October 18, 1999 at 03:56:50:
In Reply to: Re: Transferring designs posted by rox on October 17, 1999 at 19:14:04:
If you have an inkjet printer you can print out a design in black & white on the darkest setting you have. You will want to do a mirror image of your design so it will turn out the correct way when you put it on the skin. Cut out around the design, place the design onto the skin with the ink side down, then wet the back of the paper. This will transfer enough ink onto the skin so you will be able to trace over it. There is also a special thin paper and a special pencil that permanent-tatoo artists use to transfer designs onto the skin. Draw your design onto the paper using the special pencil, then as above: cut out, apply to skin, wet back of paper. Happy Henna-ing, Diane