yup. Henna rocks in fiber arts!
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on October 18, 1999 at 07:30:09:
In Reply to: Henna on fabric....any experience? posted by Kenzi on October 18, 1999 at 03:35:26:
Linen SHOULD henna easily, though my experience is in wool, cotton and silk. They henna wonderfully. Wash your cloth first if it is not one of the cloths that has been kept untreated for fiber artists. There may be sealers on the cloth that will interfere with dye uptake .... wash the cloth in a nice nasty harsh detergent to be sure it's stripped. Henna the fabric as you would skin. (but, skip the oils and sealers ... just kep it simple) Let it dry and set. Iron the dry henna into the cloth with a steam iron on high. You will see the henna darken with every pass of the hot iron, and your room will fill with an incredibly glorious and sexy fragrance! The dye stain will be absolutely washfast. Do some test swatches first to fine-tune the thickness of your paste versus wicking or bleeding. When you henna, make sure the tip of your cone or bottle is pushing the henna INTO the weave, not just letting the henna sit on top of the fiber.