Re: Henna on fabric....any experience?
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Posted by Natasha Papousek on October 18, 1999 at 15:52:26:
In Reply to: Henna on fabric....any experience? posted by Kenzi on October 18, 1999 at 03:35:26:
Haven't tried linen. Henna on silk and rayon is wonderful. Henna on cotton knit tends to creep up the lines of knit. I have been dyeing fabric first and then henna-ing. Some dyes seem to deepen the color (red, for instance), and some seem to inhibit henna uptake (chartreuse, for instance). I use Procion fiber reactive dyes. I'm really disappointed in how the henna on chartreuse turned out last night after I washed it. I'm going to try re-hennaing to make the color darker. Sigh. This was a commissioned piece, too. I can vouch for all of Catherine's suggestions. They work. And my apt. smells SO GOOD from all that ironed henna...!