Re: Self-Heating Masks
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Posted by Anne on October 18, 1999 at 18:10:44:
In Reply to: Self-Heating Masks posted by MyST on October 18, 1999 at 16:39:11:
Hej, I've tried the Biore self-heating mask for non-henna purposes. Basically, you put it on your face until it turns dark blue - when that happens, you take it off. It's consistancy is a little thicker than hand lotion, and it doesn't dry (at least, you're not suppose to leave it on your face until it dries). It does, however, heat up wonderfully - a nice treat on a cold day. It might be interesting to see what would happen if you applied (and removed) the mask before putting the henna on ... --Anne : I know for a fact now that there are about 3 different companies that : make "Self-Heating" masks. I wonder what that kind of heat would do : to a henna design, (snip) : For a fact, Biore makes one, and so does Hydrox-C