Re: Self-Heating Masks
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Posted by Kenzi on October 18, 1999 at 19:32:45:
In Reply to: Re: Self-Heating Masks posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on October 18, 1999 at 16:47:17:
: It would, of course, be ideal if there were a mask that were flexible, : not tacky when it's dry, not apt to stick to itself, translucent, : very durable, easy to remove but hard to dislodge, not attractive to : bees wasps and fruitflies, sleepable, ok to put clothing on over, that : would raise body surface temp to about 103F, and with some variations : in breathability for hot climates and cold climates...and it should : have clove in it somewhere, and smell nice. Ask for much, do I? : Oh....and it should dry quickly. Is that all Catherine!!?? Didn't you once say that you had chemist friends? Maybe you can develop a henna heating mask using your henna expertise and the chemists technical knowledge, something that includes all your above requirements. You'd have a few clients from this list, I would