Re: Favorite method for applying henna
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Posted by Kenzi on October 19, 1999 at 03:13:42:
In Reply to: Re: Favorite method for applying henna posted by Sonia on October 19, 1999 at 02:13:35:
: coffee applied to the skin can send caffiene into one's system. I : tell you what is funny though, alot of people that I henna tend to : get really relaxed. I have two friends that just about fall asleep : when I henna them. : Can coffee act as a stimulate when applied to the skin? A friend of mine says that when he has an espresso after dinner it makes him sleepy. I couldn't believe this but I risked a good night's sleep to test this, and it worked. Now I have an excuse to have a late coffee! As for henna....all I know is my own experience. I had done henna (with coffee in it) on one foot in the late afternoon (usually a bad time for me to drink coffee if I want to sleep that night). That night I was tossing and turning and trying to figure out what was keeping me awake. I didn't really have anything on my mind so that didn't feel like the cause. I felt like I would if I had drunk coffee late in the day but I knew I hadn't drunk any...and then I remembered I had put coffee in my henna. My friend who was my client for the day said that she was up all night too and was thinking it was because of a new love in her life! A related aside, try an experiment to see how stuff is absorbed by your body....try rubbing garlic on the sole of your foot and then get some brave soul to smell your breath in 10-15 minutes. Supposedly your breath will smell of garlic. Does this prove that caffeine absorbs into your body from the henna mix? Dunno, but sure is interesting!