Yes, it IS !! *smile*
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Posted by Jewel on October 19, 1999 at 08:54:36:
In Reply to: Re: Is henna safe on the nails? posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on October 18, 1999 at 18:28:11:
There is a lot of folklore about "purification" and : "averting evil" in regards to hennaeing toenails, and there may be : some health benefits in regards to toenail fungus...but hard to prove. : I just love the way it looks. Beautiful, natural! I second that, Catherine !!
Psst : An old Malay belief :(told to me by my mom, told to her by her mom, told to HER by HER mom .... and so on ...) having hennaed nails (fingers & toes) will ward off any kind of illnesses *smile* ... I don't polish my nails, and the lovely permanent colour of henna makes me happy. I henna my fingernails every 2 weeks and toenails every 3 - 4 weeks .... BEAUTIFUL !!!! ~Jewel~ - who loves henna too much :-)