Re: tips
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Posted by Anon on October 20, 1999 at 04:05:54:
In Reply to: Re: tips posted by Amy C on October 19, 1999 at 07:05:29:
: I get tiny pastry tips at a cooking/kitchen supply store or, if : you're lucky enough to have one, a cake decorating store. I'll have to look around. The smallest I've found is #1 (I went ahead and bought) - so far. It looks larger than the craft tips, but it was cheap so I figured I wouldn't trust to memory. : (Of : course, this would blow your cover. So don't tell me if it's one of : those, "but then I'd have to kill you" situations.) Nah - I'm willing to be known to real people, it's the search & proccess programs and cranks I try to avoid. Thanks for the offer - I'll take you up on it if my neighborhood search comes up zip!