Can anyone help??
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Posted by mimi on October 22, 1999 at 14:51:01:
Iam looking for some expert advice from you all. I just bought a henna kit from Barnes and Nobles and tried to apply henna for the first time. I followed the directions for hand washing and skin prep. and applied the henna. Then I spritzed on the lemon juice and sugar mix. Well, after four hours, nothing was happening. It wouldn't stain my hand. So I just washed it off and tried again. I redid the whole procedure and let it sit overnight. (man, i had a hard time sleeping) and all I had was this really faint stain. It just looks like my hand is dirty now. What happened? Also I live in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina and don't know where in the world to purchase henna from. If anyone knows of a store in the area I could really use the help. Thanks so much.