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Posted by Anon on October 23, 1999 at 02:26:34:
In Reply to: Re: Minor henna crisis last alternative posted by Kenzi on October 22, 1999 at 00:48:19:
: Just a little while ago there was a brief thread here about doing two- : toned designs by doing part of a design one day and then doing : another part later (or using differnt qualities of henna). If the orange is fairly even (probably it's no longer orange), a strong-lined design that follows the outline could look quite nice. "The Human Canvas" that was cited earlier (Discovery Channel on-line series) had one shot of a bunch of hands, some of which had a reddish-orange background. If it's not even, work the design around the patchiness. I have done this with lines that oozed - outlined them or put curlicues on one side and dots into the fainter part. (I realize you've probably moved on by now, but figured I'd post anyway.)