The Axe Brand Oil ...
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Posted by Jewel on October 26, 1999 at 03:03:32:
In Reply to: Re: Safety posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on October 25, 1999 at 21:46:47:
Hey Catherine, I've been told that some henna artists here in Singapore used a kind of a household domestic rub which we call The Axe Brand Oil. They told their customers (one of my cousins was a customer of one of them) to rub this oil on their hands (or wherever being hennaed) AFTER scrubbing off the paste. Practically everybody in Singapore has this oil for it's being used for headaches, flu, chest pains, rheumatism, joint aches, tummy ache, insect stings and such. Plus it's REALLY cheap. I saw the ingredients on the bottle ; Menthol cystals 20% Eucalyptus oil 15% Methyl Salicylate 15% Camphor 5% Essential oil 12% Base ad 100% It has a distinct eucalyptus smell and if you've rubbed it on your hands, be sure NOT to rub your eyes or you're gonna be crying for the whole day (it stings)!! Interestingly, my cousin (who did as told) developed a visibly darker stain after she rubbed that oil with no nasty side effects .... then again, this oil can be used even on babies ... Thought I'd like to share with the forum BTW : I'll send a bottle to you if you're curious :-) Peace ~Jewel~