Re: Another sifter alternative...
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Posted by Catherine Nielsen on October 27, 1999 at 01:40:01:
In Reply to: Re: Another sifter alternative... posted by Andrea D. on October 26, 1999 at 21:21:48:
: Easier even than baby food jars with a hole snipped out: try : those round metal lids for Mason jars that *already* have a hole : in the middle, because they're designed to accommodate rubber-coated : discs. Much nicer than trying to cut evenly through the lids. This is what I use, too. Get the little teeny jars, the kind with the fruit on the sides. I just hot glued about four layers of tulle (also called bridal illusion, if you're looking for it in the fabric store)between the lids. The lids screw onto the jars...voila! Catherine N