Re: tattooing ve hennaeing
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Posted by Kenzi on October 27, 1999 at 23:46:06:
In Reply to: tattooing ve hennaeing posted by CAtherine Catwright JOnes on October 27, 1999 at 19:01:35:
: and Coptic and Armenian Christian traditons. Mohammed sez henna's way : cool, so no problem there. : Good translation from the arabic! ;-) : evil (replaced by harquos)....I've found pretty good photos from up to : 1930 of facial patterns from Berber, Yemen and such..I wish there were : more! Lipstick and blusher just isn't as cool as some of those : patterns! (There is a new thingie out... "Body Ink" that does a dandy : job of imitating harquus...that and waterproof eyeliner) You can still see a lot of berber women in Morocco with tattoos on their faces (probably elsewhere, but that's all I could see). I have never seen any young women with tattoos though, and I think that is more the march of modern culture than the taboos of Islam. Tattooing among Berbers predates the arrival of Islam, and the practice continued until a generation or two ago, although it is looked down upon by city-dwelling Moroccans as country-bumpkin wierdness, not really so much taboo.