Thanks Everyone
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Posted by MyST on October 29, 1999 at 18:54:51:
In Reply to: Henna for happy occasions posted by Jewel on October 29, 1999 at 02:08:35:
Jewel, Thank you for taking the time to not only post kind words of hope and healing for my aunt, but also to go to another level all it's own and apply healing designs to help me in my quest to bring whatever good cheer and faith I can to this family, and to my aunt mel. Over the past few days, my aunt mel has been doing better, having restful nights, not needing transfusions. But she is having dialysis for her one kidney, but the good news is, it's on an as-is basis. Also...her pneumonia is getting better. All of these wonderful things that are happening could be luck, they could be her fighting her a$$ off....or a some combination of that plus my and my many friends little "rituals". So thanks to all who have contributed to the cause. It's a long road ahead, and I'm fighting real hard for her today with a little help from all my friends. P.S. Thanks to Eve for her personal letter to me. Thanks to Catherine for providing me with some very beautiful healing and evil averting patterns. You guys are in my thoughts!