Re: superfine lines - how?
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Posted by Eve on October 31, 1999 at 14:49:39:
In Reply to: superfine lines - how? posted by Anon on October 30, 1999 at 13:48:25:
I use 3 cut up limes that I boil with a few whole cloves and 1-2 good size Ocras to about 2 cups of water and let that all boil down to a very soupy mix that has the color of bad looking orange-juice. About 1/4 of the water will have simmered away when I strain the whole thing through very fine mesh. Then I add about 2 tablespoons of sugar and some more cloves to it and simmer again until another 1/4 has dissappeared. Let it sit overnight and strain before using it. I safe the unused portion in a dark bottle i the fridge for the next time and try to use it up as soon as possible. Before I use it I heat it up and shake it well. I try to make the smoothest paste out of it and then work with it. When drawing lines they easily stretch into very fine lines. I love this stuff. It seems to have the right consistency and dexterity to stretch when the beginning line is laid down and then the thread is pulled to frm a fine line. I use cones these days instead of bottles (my hand tired and cramped with bottles) and the stretching of the paste to get fine thin lines is best used if straight lines are wanted. (that's only my opinion) As an expert in Henna and henna experience Catherine probably has without a doubt more input o this then I do. It would be nice to hear from her on this matter too. Hope that helped some.