Temptu trial
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Posted by Amy C on October 31, 1999 at 17:27:33:
I fiddled around a bit with that temptu bodyliner when I first got it & wasn't sure if I liked it. But last night I really used it for the first time - mehndi inspired designs on my face and hands (a rare opportunity to use those 'friends of the henna page' face patterns)- and it worked really well. Stayed on all night & came off with alcohol. Also fulfilled my need for a way to show off mehndi talent very visibly without worrying about work. Several people complimented my artistic talent and inquired about my mehndi habit/some-day-business. I didn't jump on any of these potential clients because most of them were drunk guys hitting on me (one dressed as Bill Clinton without any pants on - Halloween and all). But it does seem to have potential for advertising skill without a long term stain (say, on your face) if that's a problem. Also good for a practice run of a challenging design. Also as spontaneous as painting your nails, if you haven't plannned (and sifted, and mixed, and developed you paste) ahead of time. Fun. Very pretty surrounding a fancy bindi. (Probably good for those situations where people are very unlikely to care for real henna too. Like drunken naked Bill Clinton.)
- Temptu Cyane 21:19:39 11/02/99