Gorgeous Right-Hand Design :)
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Posted by MyST on November 01, 1999 at 15:14:17:
In Reply to: A little something to share with my friends ... posted by Jewel on October 31, 1999 at 01:52:05:
Eve, That is SO FUNNY. My original halloween idea was to go as an indian (east) woman...w/Sari and all..and i thought, ok i have to have henna on both hands. my boyfriend frank is a henna artist, but was busy working on his costume so i was left with myself, and the hope that i could finally do something other than a single lotus flower on my right hand. WELL, last week, i too joined the world of the beautiful right hands....i have a gorgeous flower with intricate vines going around my wrist, beautiful leaves and vines on my fingers. on my right palm, i have a big mandala style design. everything came out dark and GORGEOUS :)~~ so it can be done, and you're right it is victorious! congrats again :0} MyST http://mehndimyst.freeservers.com