Re: is the new forum coing along?..
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Posted by Jeremy Rowntree on November 01, 1999 at 17:53:10:
In Reply to: is the new forum coing along?.. posted by Eve on October 31, 1999 at 15:01:53:
: I was just wondering how the new forum is coming along. Also when the patterns will be available and an update of the friends of the Henna page? I spent almost all of last weekend slaving over my computer sorting out navigation buttons and the like. I've also completed most of the page splitting (no more 15 screen long files). I still need to incorporate the sponsorship banners into the reoganised Where page, add the remaining pictures to the What page and write the scripts to translate the URLs in the forum archive. Once that lot is done, we should be getting close. I reckon there's about 100 hours work gone in so far, with maybe half as much again still to do. Yawn! And all this on top of a full time job... You're right, I do need to update the friend's page, but I figured I had to focus on the new work for a little while otherwise it will never get finished. Cheers, Jeremy