Re: Kufic patterns (and a side of baraka)
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Posted by Kenzi on November 01, 1999 at 23:09:23:
In Reply to: Kufic patterns (and a side of baraka) posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on November 01, 1999 at 19:41:08:
This writing on bodies as foreplay reminds me of that japanese movie, "the Pillow Book" where the woman had calligraphy written all over her body by her lover. Yes, please send me your latest....I love kufic arabic script. I have been working on some designs for a while but it is very hard to copy the designs that are knotted. I am looking forward to see what you came up with. As I was working on these drawings, I asked my husband if there was anything insulting or forbidden about writing in arabic with henna on your skin and showing that. He said that, at least from his Moroccan perspective, there is nothing insulting about it. As we have discussed in a thread earlier, if any of you want to do henna designs in arabic, make sure you know what you are writing, and make sure you don't make mistakes (for example, a friend of ours showed a little pun in arabic using another word for allah and the way it is spelled, if you put a dot over one of the letters it makes the word into a slang word for the male organ). You could get yourself in trouble.