Sorry to hear about your experience
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Posted by MyST on November 02, 1999 at 18:24:15:
In Reply to: Re: not happy posted by Amy C on November 02, 1999 at 01:26:27:
Well I don't mean to sound at all judgemental, but the truth is that you did learn a very valuable lesson. Nobody deserves to have to go through pain, rash and all that go along with black henna reactions. Let's take a few things into consideration, #1 You didn't research this, it was a spur of the moment "temporary tattoo" and you didn't ask questions (guess what you won't do that again). #2 This is VENICE BEACH we are talking about, you could have walked away with a lot more than a skin rash. BE CAREFUL....vendors on Venice Beach are totally out to make a quick buck at the expense of their customers, but you have to understand, that these guys make what $5 a design? You couldn't have expected high quality. All I am trying to say without sounding like a mother is be cautious of people and what you are willing to allow them to put on your body. That is just something that for me is a common sense thing. If they were to have possible side effects signs, then do you think people would risk it? no way jose. I hope you're feeling better :) MyST *apologizing if she is sounding like a mother hen!****