Re:.go shopping for camphor spirit
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Posted by Tracy Stewart on November 04, 1999 at 03:46:04:
In Reply to: Re:.go shopping for camphor spirit posted by Natasha Papousek on November 03, 1999 at 20:24:28:
Please let us know how the Queen Helene facial mask works for you. I just saw that same product today and almost bought it, but went for the Freeman's instead. And yes, my wife hates going to the drugstore with me because I go into a zombie-like trance, mouth agape, feet barely shuffling as I systematically weave up and down every isle... :) Tracy : As if I need another reason to poke around the drugstore! I esp. love : the old-fashioned kind with all the little bottles of mysterious : things...I really miss that about England...they have great chemists' : (drugstores). : So, let's see, the shopping list: spirit o' camphor, oil o' clove, NEw : Skin, transpore tape, cotton balls, q-tips...anything else? : Last time I went to the drugstore (and I resisted buying camphor : spirits because I wanted to find out the results first) I walked out : with the coolest heating pad. It heats by chemical reaction and the : heat lasts for about 4 hours, then you re-activate it by microwaving : the gel back to liquid. It's too cool! I also found a gel facial : mask by Queen Helene with honey and vit C. It's very acidic judging : by the slight sting I felt when I tried it on my face last : night...probably will be good for henna, too, when thinned down and : painted on...