Trial using Glove in a Bottle
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Posted by Tracy Stewart on November 04, 1999 at 20:31:12:
In case this product has not discussed before I will let you know my results. The "Glove in a Bottle" product is a white lotion that claims to help dry hands and also to act as a barrier to chemicals and other toxins. It also says that once absorbed by the skin, it stays there until natural exfoliation occurs (approx. every 21 days). I wondered if the lotion would interfere with henna staining. I used Mehndi Mud product on the top of my left foot using a simple Celtic design. The design was symmetrical with thicker ribbon at either end. Before application I swabbed foot with rubbing alcohol, let dry, then applied the "Glove in a bottle" to a small area. I applied the MUD with half the design over the Glove in a bottle patch. I applied several layers of Freeman's facial mask after letting the henna dry slightly, bandaged and left it on for 10 hours. Fast forward 24 hours: The Glove in a Bottle product did not keep the henna from staining skin.... however, it did result in a lighter stain. Conclusions: Will not keep skin from absorbing stain. Will keep stain lighter in areas applied, which could be a desired effect. Tracy p.s. One idea would be to use the Glove product on your own henna- stained hands to protect the current design while you are working on others to lessen the accidental staining that sometimes occurs when working with henna.