Re: skin temperature
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Posted by Catherine on February 26, 1998 at 17:26:50:
In Reply to: skin temperature posted by Phoenix and Arabeth on February 25, 1998 at 08:16:47:
If I wrap the nearly dried hennaed skin in cling wrap, and sleep ovenight wrapped, or at least leave the wrap on until it is fogged with sweat, there is a vast improvement in staining. Your pores have to open, your skin has to have that ammonia-urea-salty film on it that acts as a mordent for henna. The cling wrap creates a mini-sauna. Other things to improve the hot-sweaty microclimate....drink copious tea, use a hair dryer, anything to make your pores open and sweat. I teach mehandi in Cleveland, Ohio, and we're hardly ever decently warm. : Even in mild California climate we see a real difference when the : skin gets cold there is real image-quality dropoff, and a less : persistant design. : What do you folks do to successfully counteract this in the more : northern regions, mid-West, Cananda, Germany....whereever you get : real cold weather???