desperation, and a slide off topic
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on November 07, 1999 at 02:22:18:
In Reply to: Re: You must not have tasted henna recently posted by Kenzi on November 06, 1999 at 19:06:44:
The source mentioned the tattoo-ee's lower lip swelling triple it's normal size in the tattooing....that does somehow hint of desperation, doesn't it? If there's no remote control, what does one do? Many of the older hennaeing-related rituals in the Islamic world are to give the woman the upper hand in the marriage ...... does this indicate that henna magic helps her get a wedge in in an otherwise impossible situation? I personally like the henna-related blood magic for making the in-laws like her, and the husband not fool around with other women! Off topic, but a cool traditional North African story: Once upon a time a man married a very small woman. He didn't want to make love to her, he didn't give her nice things. She complained! She wanted to sleep with him! She wanted presents! He said, "You're very small. You're insignificant. You're of no consequence. Why are you making a fuss?" So, she found a very small piece of sh*t. She put it on his pillow. He lay down to sleep at night, and yelled, "There's sh*t on my pillow!" She said, "It's a very small piece of sh*t. It is of no consequence. The sh*t is insignificant. Why are you making a fuss?" He got the point. The situation improved. History and folklore (of henna and otherwise) grooves!