Strange ...
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Posted by Jewel on November 07, 1999 at 09:26:30:
In Reply to: Re: Pale Green? posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on November 07, 1999 at 01:11:11:
My simple little mind even thought that she mixed the henna powder with milk (?? ... please don't laugh at my ignorance :-)). But it seems impossible to me that the henna powder won't turn dark after contact with any type of liquid. Any explanations Catherine ? I swear the colour was pale green (milky even). I'm sure she mixed some secret stuff in there that she wouldn't tell me. I even doubted if the paste would perform the way she described it would but obviously I was very wrong. I bumped into a couple of Indian ladies (who graciously posed their beautifully mehndi-ed hands for my lenses), and even they are doubtful (by the look of the colour of the paste) if it would stain at all. They went like ... "Oh God, why is the paste that colour ?? Are you sure she didn't take you for a ride ?" ... Anyways, after watching these ladies at work, I am motivated to learn more about this wonderful art :-) .... Peace ~Jewel~