darker henna...increased reactivity to henna?
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Posted by Catherine on February 26, 1998 at 17:52:06:
I have done henna painting professionally for 7 years and notice that the patterns seem to be increasingly darker on me as time goes on....I re-do my hands each week to demo for teaching, and the patterns are getting redwood color....I don't think my mixing recipe is very unusual, so I suspect that my body is reacting more strongly to henna than it used to. Pot smokers become sensitized, so do tobacco smokers, salsa lovers, coffee drinkers, and other exposure to botanic chemicals change a body's reaction. Could this happen with henna too? The henna mix that I use on new clients makes a strong pattern, but less intense than mine. As I regularly sift henna, I'm breathing some henna fluff...so it's definitely in my system.....has anyone else noticed this?