friend from india
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Posted by MyST on November 08, 1999 at 20:47:04:
In Reply to: Re: Pale Green? posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on November 07, 1999 at 01:11:11:
i have a friend from india that worked w/me at ArabianFest in September. i noticed that the paste she used was a very light green colour as well, but never asked what she added to the henna to make it look that way. she was using a spray bottle with a lemon sugar mixture that she sprayed on her henna when it had started to dry out a little bit. but it's really interesting that it was so light green. her lines weren't super fine. she used a cake decorating bag to apply henna and her lines were a little more bold. if anyone wants to see the lightness of the applied henna that she did, email me as i have pictures of her work that i can scan in. MyST