Re: My camphor too
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Posted by Kenzi on November 08, 1999 at 22:52:04:
In Reply to: Re: My camphor trials posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on November 08, 1999 at 16:57:12:
I also couldn't resist and did my own trial this weekend. I didn't bother with side-by-side test, or double blind trials...I just took Catherine's word for it. (Catherine, you're like our New England Journal of Medicine equivalent for henna...or maybe the Surgeon General!). I also couldn't resist doing a design left-handed. I didn't use camphor spirits; instead I added some White Flower oil (the ingredients of which are in a recent posting by CCJ- something like eucalyptus, camphor, lavender etc.) I loved the cool tingly feel of it, loved the different smell. The initial color after paste removal was a lovely brown and I am still waiting for the final color to reveal itself. Thanks to Jewel for inspiring me to try designs with my left hand, and again to CCJ for the idea to hold the non-dominant hand still while moving the other! I did a bracelet around my left wrist, and then, having practiced, did the same design on my right wrist. The left-handed design didn't turn out as well, but a LOT better than I expected. And now it looks pretty cool to have both wrists (finally!) with matching designs. I add "ditto" to everything you all said when amazed at your ability to do need to be redundant. ;-)