Re: Ebay
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Posted by Roxanne on November 09, 1999 at 05:16:06:
In Reply to: henna design books on Ebay posted by Kenzi on November 09, 1999 at 04:40:34:
As I consider you folks my friends, I wanted to share my slightly off topic, yet possibly pertinent FYI with you regarding ebay: In another "live and learn" situation, I learned this weekend that the seller on ebay can apparently change the ending times on auctions, contact the high bidder at the time and settle on the final price without contacting others involved in the auction. I was in a tight bidding war, was just outbid and by the time (only a few seconds later!) I clicked to submit a higher bid, the auction had closed 2.5 hours early and I had lost. I've bought quite a few things on ebay and have dealt with very nice and on the level folks, and have never heard about anything like this. There is nothing regarding changing end times on the website. I am now quite leary of the whole process. Hope this saves someone a little "heartache" :-)