Re: Any Black Henna?
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Posted by Jena on November 09, 1999 at 23:41:20:
In Reply to: Any Black Henna? posted by Wayne on October 14, 1999 at 18:23:50:
Okay, here is my experience with the black henna paste which claims to stain jet black. It smells stongly of alcohol, goes on a beautifull , smooth black color and get this: It stains a dark brown with blotchy patches. My skin was well cleansed , your only sapposed to have to leave it on an hour to stain. I left it on overnight and got those poor results! The next day it was gone! Do not waste the $16.00 it costs, it truly is a crime how they can make those claims about a product and actually have the nerve to make you pay for it. : Okay I ve read the warnings about black henna but what about the : colored hennas that are sold by people such as Halawa Henna ? : surely a reputable company such as them would not market a dangerous : product. : I would really like to try these products but all this talk is : somewhat unnerveing. : please help