faces, henna pencils
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on November 10, 1999 at 14:11:04:
In Reply to: Questions!Questions!Questions! posted by liz S on November 10, 1999 at 04:57:39:
I have two pages of face patterns, and there are more in the "friends of henna" packet of patterns available for supporting the henna page (see "big changds" above) . Email me if you want the 2 pages I have of traditional women's face tattoo and harquus patterns. They're free, as gifs. I found 3 from over 3000 years ago. Pencils work ok as a transfer, and don't harm anything. Your recipe is ok, your henna is tired. You can goose it up with an overnight wrap, and New Skin. (instructions for that at link below). If you wrap, and nap with a heating pad over the wrap, warming the skin and henna for an hour or two, it will really help your color. I think it might help if you just added the lemon juice first, to get the dye release, then add the other stuff the next morning.