Re: New Skin spray
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Posted by Miss Monica on November 10, 1999 at 21:24:02:
In Reply to: New Skin spray posted by Maria on November 10, 1999 at 20:47:10:
: A number of people have mentioned a New Skin spray on the forum. I can : only find New Skin liquid. It is ok, but sometimes a bit messy. Anyone : have ideas where I can find the spray? Haalllooo Maria! I found the spray at a tiny Albertsons grocery store of all places. I had a tough time finding it. Not at Wal-Mart, K-Mart, Target, Rite-Aid, Sav-On, but at a grocery store. Go fig. Now, a Warning: The spray can be messy too, and it stinks like the Devil's undershirt. Use it only outdoors or with proper ventilation. I am sure there is some brain dead kid getting high as a kite on this stuff even as I type.(the stench clears as it dries) It is wonderful though, for keeping little lacy lines in place!