too much Re: Camphor...useful, but tricky!
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Posted by Jenna on November 10, 1999 at 22:29:48:
In Reply to: Camphor...useful, but tricky! posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on November 10, 1999 at 17:06:55:
I used some straight without a base to open up my skin before I put on the henna. Then, I also had some in my lemon clove mix that I dab on my design.I have been doing little tests on my arm with different recipes for color purposes. Well anyway, I guess my arm had had enough , what a stingy rash I got. I've been putting ointment on it for three days and it is finally going away. Be Careful, dont use it straight! : Camphor oxidizes the henna so strongly that it can separate the henna : paste really fast. When I added a little camphor spirit just before I : hennaed, it was fine....though by the second hour of hennaeing, It : seemed that there was a problem with texture starting to happen. When : I added lots of camphor spirit 18 hours before hennaeing, the texture : was awful. : On the leg comparison that I did, its clear that the camphor-spirit : henna penetrated a little farther than plain henna. On my hand, the : plain henna is doing it's orange thing near the end of exfoliation, : but the camphor-spirit henna is still brown near the end of : exfoliation. That means that the camphor is oxidizing the henna : within the cell walls, and clear back in as far as it goes. : If you're doing camphor things, spirit or essential oil, definitely : try tiny amounts first, and just before you henna. : I went to pick up my camphor oil at the health foods store yestarday, : and they'd tried to order it from Wyndmere, (aromatherapy oils, : essential oils) and they said that they would'nt carry the stuff : because it was so potentially toxic. So, the shop is re-ordering it : from AuraCacia in 2 weeks...... I've found several sources saying : camphor oil, uncut, is potentially very dangerous on skin. It's : ability to readilly penetrate subcutaneous layers of skin and oxidize : makes it helpful to henna, but also causes problems.