Re: dragon minded
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on November 11, 1999 at 03:26:51:
In Reply to: dragon minded posted by jenn on November 11, 1999 at 03:17:16:
the place i bought it from said : that it was the best knd i could get. Caveat emptor, more so on the internet. If you find an internet henna merchant that is totally honest about their product, mirabile dictu! There are some, but I can count them on one hand. Heads are not easy to do. The skin there is oily and thin. You can get good results, but it takes luck and work to get it to happen. I don't know what henna you used, but you will need very fresh henna, a very good prep (de-grease your scalp) and a wrap with a lot of heat overnight. Your re-growth of hair will not be a problem. Do you want to re-try hennaeing your head? People on this forum can make some suggestions that would make it go better... email me or post again if you want to try more.