Re: Looking for magic
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Posted by Kenzi on November 11, 1999 at 23:54:28:
In Reply to: Re: Looking for magic posted by Catherine Cartwright JOnes on November 11, 1999 at 17:56:23:
: The why ... battlefield, sacrifice and virginal blood attract djinn : (evil nasties) and if you henna first, you counteract the "pollution" : that attracts djinn. So when drawing blood is necessary, you : protect yourself henna as an anti-pollution device. (Henna as a : magical djinn-condom, sort of...) Also, the djinn are said to be able to enter the body through its orifices, and so the Berber women get protective tattoos near their body orifices....doesn't necessarily relate to henna though. It seems to me that the three events - going off to war, going off to be devirginized and going off to be slaughtered - are very similar in that they all result in spilling of blood and thus, protection is needed. Killing and slaughter (ritual slaughter of animals) are all haram (forbidden) so the henna works as a kind of prayer in addition to the spoken ones. But that doesn't really explain marriage/devirginification...not really haram according to Islam. hmmmmm